…and seven random things about me!
The wonderful Elena at Caffeinerd gifted me with the Versatile Blogger award. In order to accept it I have to tell you seven random things about me. Here goes!
I love style blogs….namely Anthro style blogs. I’ve thought about starting one myself but I’m not sure I’m a natural at taking outfit photos. Many thanks to Mr. Gazelle for snapping this shot of me today in one of my favourite outfits. The
Anthro Mendoza Codex skirt,
J. Crew Dulphine Bling Button cardi and an ancient black shirt from Club Monaco.

I keep all of my nice shoes at work in a filing cabinet drawer. I started tweeting shoe of the day pictures since I’d show Mr. Gazelle all of these awesome shoes I owned but then never wore around him.

My hair has just gotten long enough where I now want to play with it constantly. Normally this would be where I would cut off a few inches, but I am going to keep growing it!

The very first musical instrument I ever played was the snare drum. Can you tell how excited I look here? That only lasted one year.

The next year I took up the clarinet and played for many years. In grade 9 I joined the jazz band and we wound up taking a trip to Germany and Austria to play a few concerts.

I tried skiing for the first time last year and slip sliding down icy slopes kinda freaked me out. I want to like it but it just hasn’t come naturally.

I have a terrible habit of falling asleep on the couch with my feet in Mr. Gazelle’s lap. When I fall asleep I start kicking. Mr. G a good sport for putting up with me constantly kicking him!
Tag, you’re it!
Love that you included photos! And go you on the snare drum :) Seriously...I was a band geek for so long but I definitely had no rhythm---would've been a terrible percussionist!
Photo 2. Are those WINE bottles in the background? At work? They must be more liberal over there than I thought.
And I keep my work shoes (1, count'em ONE pair) in the bottom drawer of a file cabinet. Along with a bunch of rolls of Cat 5 cable that was there when I started.
I played the clarinet too. I hear it is what the cool kids to ;-)
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