Sunday, September 12, 2010

Helloooo blogging world!

Blogging is not exactly a new activity for me.  I’ve been detailing my crazy running and triathlon pursuits since April 2007 over here.  I originally started that blog as I felt like I had so much to talk about with regards to training and racing…but maybe those were things that my friends and family didn’t want to hear about all the time. 

Now that I find myself engaged to the geek love of my life I thought I might want to document our trip to wedded bliss.  We live in Calgary but are planning our wedding in Vancouver next summer.  I’m an engineer, he’s a computer nerd, plus we have a little white fur ball of a dog who likes to keep us on our toes.  Here we go!Finlay 03-2008 005

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Hey - I noticed the Weddingbells link on your sidebar.

Interesting fact: lilmeg and I actually met through the WB forum!

There's a while health Section with lots of running and triathlon talk.... just saying. ;)