Wednesday, December 15, 2010

On the same wavelength?

This is too funny to not share…

Future Hubs and I decided to open our Christmas presents tonight.  I know, it is only December 15th so we are way early!  He’s working late over the next few days, then we are taking off for my parents in Kelowna and the presents are just a bit too bulky to pack.  So we decided to open them tonight after eating dinner and staring at them…all…night…long.

FH instructed me to open the small present first.  What was inside?  A bottle of Chanel Chance to keep me smelling nice!Chanel-Chance

Next up FH opened his small present.  Inside was a bottle of Burberry London.  You know, to keep him smelling nice.burberry_london_men

Then I opened my bigger present.  Comfy flannel pants and a tank for lounging at home!gp763797-09vliv01

For Future Hubs?  A big, fluffy, cozy robe (or housecoat depending on where you are from) for lounging at home!prod1209001_HOL1-09

So…not only did we buy each other very similar presents, but we also accidently left our receipts out at some point this week but neither of us found them.  Funny.

Have you and your SO ever been on the same page for exchanging presents?


Keith said...

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm. No. I have a tough time doing presents. It's not that I'm cheap (I am), though I'm happy to spend money on her, but trying to decide what she might like. The stress! Whereas she buys stuff out the wazoo. At the drop of a hat, or even less incentive. One year I got extra stuff because she'd forgotten that she'd bought me birthday presents, and only found out when she tried to hide more stuff in that hiding spot. I'm afraid to look anywhere in the house for fear I'll find a present. It's hard buying presents for someone that has the shopping bug and is always shopping and always buying.

Unknown said...

Not really on the same page as each other, but definitely as you guys - those are the same perfume and colognes that we wear! Ha ha.

Katie said...

Ha, sounds like something we would do. At least you two will be warm and smelling good. Great choice on the Burberry London! i love the way that stuff smells.